Flex/Home Education

In addition to our full-time program, Orange County Virtual School offers courses to Home Ed students.  Students may retain homeschool status and utilize free online courses for their curriculum.    

It is important to know that  State of FL diplomas  are only available to students registered  as full-time OCVS students.  All successfully completed coursework offered by OCVS will count toward a diploma when the student attends an OCPS school.  Therefore home education students may return to the zone school or apply  to be a full time student in the 12th grade. 

Home education students may utilize OCVS coursework on the FLVS platform or on the Canvas platform.  Standardized testing is arranged with the zone school by the parent.  Materials including digital devices are not provided to home education students.

Orange County Virtual is not responsible for promoting homeschool students to the next grade level. Home Ed students are required to turn in their yearly evaluation to the Home Ed Department. In order to be accepted as a Home Ed student with OCVS, you must register with the Orange County Home Education Department.

School counselors for home education are available to assist in the home education enrollment process.  Please contact OCVS for home education counselor information.  OCVS information is below.

OCVS enrollment for Home Ed students is ongoing